Discovering God & His grace in the everyday gardens of life

hello and Welcome!

I’m Peggy, the heart and hands behind this blog. My life is like a typical Wisconsin gardening season: sometimes blooming, sometimes barren, sprinkled with rhythms of growth and rest.

 Let’s grow and bloom together!

My mission is to help you fall deeper in love with God and His grace during every season and to learn how to steward your body, mind, and environment using God’s creation.

I’m so glad your here!

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This is where you’ll find me working through the nitty gritty of whatever season God has for me. Moment of honesty? It’s not all zinnias, poppies and sunshine. Some of my favorites. I’d be honored to have you join us! Connect with heartfelt devotions, faith-filled book recommendations, Bible verses and quotes, and natural living info.

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P.S. Facebooks more my jam (old school girl here), so you’ll find exclusive things like candid snapshots of life and funny farm tales over there!

Hey there friend!

I’m a city girl turned country with four kiddos, a handy hubby, an old farmhouse, and cattle! Who’d have thought? Hint: Definitely not me!!! When I’m not corralling the two legged herd, you’ll find me enjoying quiet time in the woods, taking pics of nature, or reading too many books at once. I’m excited to share how God’s helping my faith bloom and pass along helpful info on restoring our bodies naturally.

You are loved. John 3:16

XOXO, Peggy

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some of my all time favorite pics!