
2018’s Spiritual Battle Plan

The year 2018 is well underway. It’s hard to believe the end of February is closing in already!!! This is how babies and kids end up being teenagers before we know it. 

In years past I’ve usually outlined a few goals to accomplish before the year is over by now. I’d have a strong start, somewhat good middle, and weak finish. Life and everything else gets busy, I forget, start too many new goals, etc., etc. Before I know it there’s not much forward progress and the year is up. 

The last five years have been especially tough for me. Throughout the transitions of no longer auto racing, not getting to CrossFit regularly, moving to a new city, becoming a mom, deciding to stay home with the kiddos, starting a mini farm with my husband’s family, and other things; I lost myself. After talking with my counselor/friend of 17 years last fall – she was able to help me see I was struggling with an identity crisis. 

After some soul searching and talking with those closest to me; it became totally apparent I was lost. And while I would like to say I clung hardest to the one thing I knew would always be there for me (God) I can’t. My husband tried his darndest (still does) to help me – but there is just something about needing to figure out your life – I don’t know – yourself! 

With that in mind; this year I’ve taken a different approach to a “New Year’s Goal” and decided to focus on just one area of my life using just one word: My spiritual life and Joy! 


Because I firmly believe and have experienced that the closer my relationship with God is the more peace, strength, clarity, and calmness surround me! The more time I spend learning about Him, talking to Him, and praising Him the easier my days seem. 

When I look back at my middle and high school days; I remember a girl who was constantly singing, humming, smiling, braver and carefree.  That girl had Joy. Something I have since lost and would like back!!! 

My Bible verse for the year: Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” 

Battle Plan?

I’m calling it this because life is never easy. There are ups and downs. There are good stretches, but sometimes before we know it, we’re flat on our face. It can be a fight to get back up and get back on track. And I’m expecting some opposition/obstacles and resentment from the one who wants to keep me from God. So yes, this journey will include some physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional battles!  

Being prepared ahead of time is crucial to winning. So, to help me accomplish my goal this year – and to stay strong throughout the entire year – I put together a pile of resources and/or tools. The goal was to make it fun, achievable (we all know having kids cuts the free time way down!), and meaningful. 

In case you need any inspiration here they are!

Journal Bible & Doodling Markers

There are a ton of different journaling/art Bibles out there. I found mine on Amazon – it’s actually a teen edition! I love to read and being creative, win-win! My favorite markers so far have been the Farber Castelle dual tip. I’d love to do more with stickering and drawing; however, the main goal was to keep it simple and fun so I would want to keep doing it. 

I started in the book of Job as I was inspired by his ability to remain a faithful servant despite all the trials he faced. Felt I could learn a few things and I sure have!!! 

Daily Bible reading doesn’t always get done, but I sure try to! Adding a creative element has made this more enjoyable. Each time I sit down to read I start with asking God to show me one small nugget to help me through the day. He hasn’t let me down yet!

Small Daily Devotion

Sometimes it’s easier to read on the go. This is where having a short daily devotion emailed to me is a huge help. I try to read it first thing in the morning to center my heart and mind on Him. Again, there are several varieties available. I love using Proverbs 31

There’s a Bible verse, short reading/message, prayer, and questions to reflect on. They come Monday through Friday and take around 5 minutes to read. The devotions have a huge range of topics and have never failed to inspire. They also have the First 5 App, which I have not looked into yet, but hear it’s amazing as well! 

Here’s the link to read and/or sign up to have the devotion emailed to you!

The Bible App

I was introduced to this last year at our church. You can read the Bible on it or pick from thousands of different Bible plans with topics all over the board. The plans are broken down into daily segments, which are checked off when finished to help keep you on track! 

 This is a fun way to read with other people. A few times Jason and I have read through the same plan together. Other times I just pick a topic I’m struggling with. It also allows you to save plans for later reading. 

Visual Reminders

I’m very much a visual learner. You could try describing something to me and I won’t get it until I see a picture. So plastering Bible verses, words, and/or sayings around has been a huge help!!! I’ve also found it very effective at correcting a bad attitude or negative way of thinking. Here are some of my favorites:

Wall Board

Simple, easy board to make and personalize! It’s a glass picture frame (can’t be plexi) with scrapbook paper and ribbon behind the glass. Get some water-based markers, like these Sharpie brand ones, to write on the board with. When you run out of room and/or need to erase just get a paper towel wet and wipe! 

You could pick whatever size and hang it anywhere in the house. This one’s in our bathroom since we see it first thing in the morning, last thing at night, and throughout the day! It’s been up for almost 2 years and the kids and Jason like adding things to it now too! 

Index Cards

Eventually, there were so many quotes on the wall board we ran out of room. Some of the sayings were so good I needed somewhere else to put them. I dislike piles of papers sitting around – even if the paper is small, so whatever I did had to be “neat”. These colored index cards with a hole punch and key ring were cheap, vibrant, easy to take a couple out to put around the house and easy to put back together! 


I’m not a huge jewelry person, BUT there is something to be said for having a pretty reminder to look at every day that travels with you!!! As soon as I picked my word of the year, I started thinking of a way to incorporate it into my everyday wear. Then my friend hosted a party with Premier Design. Being familiar with the faith-based company I was super excited to look amongst their many biblical pieces! 

The rep, Brooke, is such a sweet person – made me smile the first time I met her last summer. Turns out we even go to the same church!!! I mentioned I was looking to see if there was anything engravable and what do you know – they just launched a line of such products! 

We bounced some ideas around and the end result was this custom bracelet that I just LOVE! It’s simple, goes with anything, and since I’ve had it for a couple weeks now – I can already tell you it’s helped change my attitude just by looking down and seeing it. Awesome Reminder!!!!! 


Where would I be without this word!?! With my head buried in the sand, I think! In the last few months, I’ve learned to extend myself grace. It’s lightened my emotional load. Has my Bible reading been done every day – absolutely not! Are there times I make mistakes, react poorly, slip into bouts of depressive thinking? Yes! Have I sometimes thought life would be easier if I gave up trying to live a Christ-like life? Yes! 

But the beautiful part of my relationship with God is that he always extends forgiveness and grace. If He’s able to extend it to us – we can learn to extend it to ourselves! 

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Cor. 12:9 (NIV)

I suppose some of this, especially combined, may seem overkill. Focusing intently on that one word, relationship, and verse; however, has helped change my patterns of thinking. I feel more positive. I’ve caught myself humming a few times. And the other pieces of my life have slowly started falling back into place.

Although my battle plan is certainly subject to change, I haven’t found the need to yet! 

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