A Country Girl’s Thoughts: COVID-19
There have been several thoughts circulating my mind lately since COVID-19 emerged and media has been overtaken. At times like these I really appreciate living in the country, away from the hustle and bustle, and having a simple life. Along with this comes leaning into a strength not my own and clinging to my faith.
I have not felt fearful once as this whole situation continues to play out. Why? Because even though I don’t know what the plan is or what the outcome will be, I do know the God who does. At the end of the day, if it’s my (or anyone else’s) time to leave this earth, no amount of health care, remedies, prayer, etc. will stop that from happening. That’s not to say I wouldn’t fight as hard as I could to stay here with my loved ones, but when God says it’s time – it’s time! Nothing I say or do will change His plan. And I know exactly where I’m going when it’s time for me to leave earth and it’s a place far better than this.
As the energy around the world has intensified, I can feel it, and I haven’t even been out in public the past week! The amount of panic, fear, hysteria, hoarding, fighting (over toilet paper ???), and people lashing out at whatever government person/agency they feel is responsible for this has been astounding to me. I stopped checking social media as often because my news feed was filled with garbage. And my feed is limited! All I can think is…What is going on people? Is any of this even remotely helpful?
What Is God Thinking?
I can’t help but wonder – is this God trying to get our attention? Is he looking for people to repent? God did not intend for us to live the way we do today. We live in a world built around instant gratification, pride, selfishness, greed, lies, hatred, injustice, adultery, no TRUE faith, comparison, busyness, and the list goes on.
I recently finished a Bible study on the minor prophets Hosea, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Obadiah, and Micah. The main theme was judgement/punishment/destruction of both God’s chosen people the Israelites, who were wandering away from Him, and surrounding nations choosing not to follow God’s law. Forms of destruction were war, plagues, destroyed crops, exile. God was looking and waiting for repentance. He wanted true heart transformation, not empty words or actions. Many times, He extended grace and mercy to His chosen people, but not without loss.
The last few days, I’ve been wondering if God has been asking these questions as he watches us from heaven:
“What happened to keeping Sundays as a day of rest, worship with others, honoring me?
What happened to treating your bodies as my holy temple?
What happened to placing Christ followers and your family first?
What happened to raising the children you decided to have yourself?
What happened to justice? Caring for the orphans and the widows?
What happened to raising food and preparing meals the way my people did centuries ago?
What happened to your sense of faith?
Why are you ignoring me?
Why do you choose to worship other gods/have idols?
Why are you oppressing the poor?
Why have you stopped trying to tell other people about me?
Why are you so concerned with proving your point instead of looking to me for guidance?
Why do you spend so much more time with pleasures/leisure things than you do with me?
When did status, personal comfort, staying busy become more important than me?
When did you decide you knew better than me?
When did you stop holding other Christ followers accountable?
When have I not listened and answered when you truly, honestly sought me?
When will you realize my heart aches for you?
When will you come back to me and experience the peace and blessing only I can provide?
When will you figure out I have never once stopped loving you?
My child, I offer you everything I have, I offer you a way to work through this pandemic, I offer peace and assurance beyond your own strength, I offer you unconditional love, I offer forgiveness for any and all sin, I offer you eternal life with me in heaven. Will you place your hand in mine and walk into a new life with me? And it doesn’t matter if we’ve had this conversation before because I will always forgive you, all I ask is for your faith and to live as I have lived. Repent child, repent.”
Moving Forward
Not much has changed for us and for that I’m very grateful as I know many have been left scrambling to find a new norm. My heart and prayers go out to you!
Perhaps we can use this time of isolation to reflect on where we are in life. An honest, deep down, no sugar-coated look at what we need to work on. Maybe we use it as a time to cleanse our physical bodies with making healthier eating choices and forgoing all the “personal care” items not needed. Or possibly spend the time rediscovering family/spouse/children/significant others that have been neglected with our harried lifestyles. Perhaps we make more quiet time to dive into God’s word and reconnect with Him. Maybe a social media time out is needed. I’m sure we can all think of something.
Let’s not allow this time to be wasted. Let’s come together as a community to help as we can. Let’s lead by example – Jesus’ example!
I love your thoughts on this! Thank you for having the strength to share them with the rest of us! God will show bright through even the most dark times to show us His way.