
A Steadfast Heart

They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7 NIV

Earlier this month I huffed, “I’m just waiting for things to implode,” which is the total opposite of having a steadfast heart.

There have been a lot of big, moving pieces to juggle this year. I’m no stranger to balancing what seems like an overly busy life to some. But the particular puzzle pieces of 2024 seem different.

They’ve carried more weight, effected my heart deeper, and left me waiting with bated breathe.

I’ve known about verses like Psalm 112, and others such as Proverbs 3:5, Isaiah 12:2, Psalm 28:7, and Joshua 1:9 for over twenty years. All excellent reminders to trust in God, not be afraid, gain strength from Him, and be strong and courageous.

But honestly, it’s really hard to do at times.

Do you ever feel the same way?

Stuck between wanting to place complete faith and trust in God by handing any and all situations over to Him, yet holding on tight because the outcome might be scary, painful, and the complete opposite of what you hoped for?

If so, I pray these three words written over and over throughout the book of Psalm helps you like it has me lately.

“Praise the LORD.”

Oh I know! Super easy to do when life’s puzzle pieces fall into place.

However, I’m convinced we will constantly fear bad news and let our hearts beat erratically wild until we learn to “Praise the LORD” over every single detail of our lives.

And sister? I am right there learning with you. I don’t do this perfectly. I’m just clinging to Bible verses I shared last week, that assure me with God, it is possible to learn to praise Him even in the scary and unknown.

Will you practice with me?

Heavenly Father, Thank you for holding us so gently in the palm of Your hand. We praise You for caring for each one of us and catching every tear that slips from our eyes. Help us train our minds and hearts to look up to You, to acknowledge Your goodness, to express gratitude for Your power, and to sing a song of praise in the midst of hardship. Abba, trust is hard for so many of us. Thank You for being patient with our baby steps towards faith. Amen.

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