
Corrie Ten Boom Quotes & Book Review

The Hiding Place is where you’ll find popular Corrie Ten Boom quotes often shared on social media. It’s jammed packed with testimonies of incredible faith, rich in history, and riddled with pockets of encouragement. I picked it up earlier this year and finished it within a week.

Now I’m speculating here, but I have a feeling Corrie Ten Boom’s name is pretty familiar to older generations and not so well known in younger crowds. With as much history is in this book, I think everyone, especially those in high school should read it. I know I’ll be adding it to our homeschool curriculum in the future!

The pages are full of thought provoking quotes I wanted to share on my own social media pages. However, it was getting really hard to choose which ones to share. So, I picked my top favorites (there are only 18, eek!), threw some graphics together, and decided to share them in a blog post. Also included are my thoughts on the book. Enjoy!

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The Hiding Place, 35th Anniversary Edition

Corrie Ten Boom Quotes

I hope some of these resonate with you. If one happens to prick at your heart, pause and be still over it for a while. Perhaps God is trying to talk to you about something. I personally paused to pray, wipe tears, and attempt to place myself in Corrie’s shoes a bunch!

I also want to draw attention to the fact that not every quote is from Corrie. Her entire family was full of wisdom and faith. I’ve included the original author, along with a relational description, in each graphic.

The Hiding Place Thoughts

I mentioned it before, but what struck me the most with this book is how much history and faith is contained in each chapter. I don’t recall reading it in school; however, The Hiding Place would certainly stick in one’s mind more than endless history facts. Connecting with real life “characters” also helps stir empathy, which the world needs more of.

Little By Little

The storyline goes back to 1898, when Corrie was just six years old. This confused me at first, because Germany didn’t start invading Holland until 1940. But I soon realized it was important to understand how they lived and how the government operated beforehand to provide context.

It was astonishing (but certainly not surprising) to see how all the “little” governmental changes, over time, led to so much blindness. Wearing a yellow star to label you as different, curfew, food rations, no radio then no telephone, no talk of/singing Holland’s national song, no associating with Jews, undisclosed raids. It started with one, then another and another, and soon – total occupation from another country.

Perhaps it was just ignorance or thinking it wouldn’t/couldn’t possibly get worse. Or perhaps it was not wanting to believe such evil could really exist, rationalizing in one’s head it was necessary because of xyz, or: not having a firm foundation rooted in God’s love for all people. Either way, it’s like the little white lie that builds into something huge and eventually destroys many.

Modern Day Repeat?

Half way through the book, my mom asked how the reading was going. I had so much to tell her, but what came out was, “Mom, we’re practically living this out today. Like right now. History has repeated this behavioral pattern over and over.”

Corrie’s underground work started as a result of one man’s hatred for a different ethnicity, the Jews. Hitler thought they didn’t deserve to live, took his ideology, and created and spread propaganda. More people joined ranks; maybe because they were also full of hate or they would be killed for opposing or maybe some couldn’t see through the smoke to sift out the truth. Regardless, Hitler effectively started a movement that spilled into several other countries leaving destruction in it’s wake.

Although not exactly the same, we’ve all been in “cultural war scenarios” that have effected us directly or indirectly. In my life time, I thought of things like pro-life vs. pro-choice, presidential elections, vaxxed or not, countless awareness movements, and even the Pandemic in some ways.

There always seems to be an overarching sense of fear causing people to either find their voice or hide in a shell. Groups of individuals hurt physically, mentally, emotionally. And oh the division. Because it’s usually a “I’m right and you’re wrong!” approach, instead of a “How can I serve you? How can we agree to disagree and still show love?” approach.

I couldn’t help but check my own heart attitude towards worldly things causing division, hate, anger. Even if I don’t understand and/or agree with them – is my posture still one of love and compassion? Am I still reflecting Jesus and am I obeying God by loving Him and my neighbors above myself (Mark 12: 28-31).

Giant Faith!

In many ways, The Hiding Place could double as a devotional. Numerous times I was encouraged by Corrie’s and her family’s faith. I was reminded I really don’t have anything to truly complain about. It was inspiring to see how Corrie found even a tiny ant in her solitary confinement a gift from God.

I think it’s telling their family placed DAILY emphasis on reading the Bible, praying, and serving others together. The example was set for them at an early age. They also attended church together and rarely missed unless one was ill.

Today, quiet time with God, praying, church, and other’s needs takes a backseat to what the individual’s wants and needs are. We live in a self-centered society. Sundays are no longer a day to gather and worship God. They’re a day to cram in more shopping, projects, traveling, and endless school/sports activities. Is it really any wonder the vast majority of those around us spend so much time searching for something more, but never find it?

I’ve also done some deep soul searching, asking myself if I would be as brave as they were, to step out into what they knew was right despite so many odds being against them. Does all of the Bible reading, Bible studying, note taking, conference attending, encouragement and resource sharing mean anything – if I am not willing to drop everything I have to serve and/or sacrifice my life for the one true God?!

God’s Gift in God’s Timing

In the last chapter of The Hiding Place , Corrie shares how she felt restless after being released from the concentration camp. Returning home was wonderful, but nothing was the same. When approached by the underground group, and asked to help deliver false release papers, she quickly agreed. However, upon entering the jail, she proceeded to fumble things by personally addressing and warmly greeting a police lieutenant who helped the underground in front of German soldiers.

Reflecting on the incident she thought, “If I ever needed proof that I had no boldness or cleverness of my own, I had it now. Whatever bravery or skill I had ever shown where gifts of God – sheer loans from Him of the talent needed to do a job. And it was clear, from the absence of such skills now, that this was no longer His work for me.”

I couldn’t help but think of times I wished for different life skills, talents, connections, financial means while serving God. Sometimes it easy to see why I wouldn’t be a good fit. But other times, when I believe I could bring something to the table, it’s frustrating to keep seeing closed doors, especially if it’s something I’ve done in the past.

It was a sober reminder to keep my eyes focused on God and the path He’s set before me. I am not omniscient, but God is. Which means I need to be better at trusting His direction. God is going to give us different gifts and abilities that may (most likely will) change throughout life. The easier I can adapt and surrender my desires, the easier it will become to follow Him.

So, which Corrie Ten Boom quote(s) was your favorite? Have you read The Hiding Place? If so, please share your take-aways with us in the comments below!

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