
Faith & Farmin’ Version 3.0: The Latest Changes

Our world’s experienced a lot of changes lately. Have you noticed? Maybe you’re not in the thick of it, but you still feel the ripple effects. Personally, I’ve lost track of what “Version” this day and age would be considered. And sometimes I wonder if a positive or negative number would be more suitable.

I’ve also noticed people everywhere seem to be missing laughter, light heartedness, encouragement, hope, friendship, kindness, and authenticity. They feel alone.

It’s made me wonder how that’s even possible when the world is at our fingertips, and most everyone is connected via social media and/or handheld devices?!

Yet, as I’ve read prayer requests from women around the globe and my own backyard, the desperation, anguish, and loneliness felt all over is real!

What to do

The weariness these women feel (including myself at times) bothered me, but I wasn’t sure what to do.

So, I did what I do know. I started praying about it.

In the meantime, one of my devotionals spoke of mutual love for God, serving one another in love, speaking His truth to people’s hearts, and being vulnerable.  Author Shanna Noel said, “What an opportunity we have to show His heart to the world by loving one another well.”.

I thought, Yes Lord! This is exactly what the world needs right now.

We need to be reminded that amongst the turmoil, there is hope in the One who rules victorious. We need those around us to offer love, lift one another up, extend genuine friendship, and share the nitty gritty parts of life. And laughter! Lord, we need to belly laugh and be silly!

As I prayed specifically on that, I began to feel God leading me toward something unexpected.

A Chat with God

Can you recall a difficult “conversation” you’ve had with a co-worker, spouse, or child? Something where you knew it was futile because the outcome wouldn’t really change, but you argued valiantly anyways? Yea? Ok good, now keep that in mind as you read the following.

God: You know Peggy, I placed this on your heart for a reason. You can offer the people who cross your path the exact things you’ve been praying about.

Well, yes. I try to reflect You when I interact with those around me. Not always perfectly obviously, but you know.

God: No, I mean I want you to be intentional about it. Share it on social media.  

I don’t get it. What do you mean?

God: I want you to use your blog and create what My people need.

Me??? You must be mistaken. I’m just a mom with too many “projects” to be considered sane, live in a small town, and tend to be introverted. I don’t think you have the right person. Besides, I struggle to be consistent with the blog anyways! (Counting on my fingers here).

God: Peggy, I don’t make mistakes. I want you to focus on bringing encouragement, cheer, and authenticity to your platform.

More Excuses

Um, God? I don’t even have a platform. I have like, less than a hundred followers. What difference is that going to make?

God: Let me worry about that.

Are you sure? Because this doesn’t make sense! A lot of people aren’t even on social media anymore! And honestly, I’ve been pulling away too. There’s not a whole lot of positivity there.

God: Yes! I know! That’s why I’m asking you to add some!

But, God, in order to expand reach with these things successfully, you need some kind of niche. I don’t have that either. I’m just a mom! You know I’ve struggled with defining things the last few years, my life’s story is too random!

God: Sigh. (I don’t know if he really does that, but in my head he did.) Child, did you miss the part where I said I wanted you to be normal and authentic? You worry too much. All I want to know is, are you going to be obedient and let me worry about the rest?

Since you’re reading this, I’ll let you figure out how the weeks long exchange finished!

Ch, Ch, Ch, Changes!

It’s scary to commit to something outside of my comfort zone. But it’s been amazing to see God provide and inspire, and I’ve had a lot of fun creating new content to share with you on Facebook and Instagram.

Here’s the lowdown on what changes you’ll see until God says otherwise! (I’ve learned my lesson there, lol!)

More focus on social media platforms, providing things like:

Fun brain teasers to break up the monotony. Posts with trivia, this or that questions, word searches, word scrambles, and bingo!

Encouraging quotes from a wide range of people. Uplifting and challenging verses from the Bible. Words to provide hope and foster growth.

Short, quirky stories spurred from being just a mom, who also happens to homeschool, homestead, help run two family businesses, and crave learning.

Smile producing pictures, such as amusing children, life mishaps, farmhouse decorating, flowers, gardens, cattle. Especially flowers. Did I mention flowers?

          What about the blog?

          My desire to write and share information will always exist. Even when I don’t have much time to sit down and type, my head’s cataloging all the things I want to share sooner or later.

          Actual blog posts may be fewer and farther in-between (not much change there, lol) and will continue to be on a smattering of topics like:


          Curriculum reviews, organization tips & tricks, the overall experience


          Straightforward, old-fashioned, healthy ingredients, quick to make


          Budget friendly home décor ideas and farmhouse “renovations”

          Homestead & Health:

          Things we’ve found helpful and continue to learn on our transformative journey

                  Are you in?

                  I truly hope you’ll find these changes refreshing, that the posts will be something you look forward to, and you’ll feel part of the community we build together.

                  Know someone else who could use some cheer? Like the people you thought of while reading the beginning of the post? Invite them to join us! Life is always better with friends.

                  I’d love to know what kind of things make you smile while perusing social media. Drop me a note in the comments!

                  Here’s to kicking off Version 3.0 of the blog, updated website and all!


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