make this gardening season the best yet!

Tired of forgetting plant info, trying to remember where things were planted, and sorting through seed packets? If so, you need this!

If you’re looking to create a beautiful and thriving garden, a gardening planner is an essential tool to help you achieve your goals. Whether you have a small space or an expansive property, a gardening planner can help you design and organize your garden to make the most of your space and ensure a successful harvest.

With so many things vying for our attention, taking the time to organize gardening information doesn’t always make the top of the list. I can’t tell you how many years I’ve told myself the following:

  • I’ll remember which garden bed things were sown in (and then forget)
  • I’m going to keep better track of seed inventory (oops! purchased double again)
  • It would be great to put reminders in the calendar so I’m not behind again (fail)
  • This will be the year I take notes on how things produced (bump that idea)

Does any of this sound familiar?

Of course our gardens will still grow without having things penned on paper. But what if spending a couple hours in the off season meant the following year would be preplanned, well-budgeted, and more enjoyable? My gardening planner is a great resource to help you accomplish just that!

Layout Sketches

Plan and design your garden layout to maximize space and efficiency using the Garden Layout Sketches page.

Multiple Lists

Keep track of plant lists, target dates for sowing, maturity, harvest, seasonal to-do’s, seed inventory, and shopping needs.

Log Sheets

Log detailed info for each plant, such as specific varieties, life cycle, light and water needs, harvest details, and more.


The Gardening Planner

This planner provides basic how-to instruction pages, linked resources, and 12 different worksheets to make this your best growing season yet. Topics include Gardening Basics, Garden Layouts, Annual Plant List, Seed Inventory, Plant Logging, and Reflections & Goals. With two calendar views, to-do lists, and a notes page, it’s everything you need to be successful!

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