
Mastering Our Sin to Change the World

Do you ever feel like certain temptations, negative thought patterns, or harmful behaviors have a stronghold over you?

As a mom, there are several things that immediately came to mind. I struggle to give up my free time to the kiddos with a happy heart. There are days I lose my temper after only a couple hours. And one of my coping mechanisms is grabbing something sweet…just to name a few.

Inherently, I know those things aren’t Godly. But at times it’s easy to justify the behavior/provide excuses: I was up all night with kids, so I didn’t sleep well. I hardly ever get time to myself, I don’t want to miss this hour. I know these sweets are a crutch and not healthy, but it’s just a little. So yes – you could say those things rule over me, which is why this verse stood out to me.

In Genesis chapter 4, we find the story of brothers Cain and Abel. After harvest, Abel presented his best, firstborn lamb as a sacrifice and Cain brought some of his crops. The LORD rejects Cain’s offering, but accepts Abel’s, which makes Cain angry.

I love how the LORD sees Cain’s anger and approaches him about it asking, “Why are you so angry?”, followed by verse 7.

Now I don’t know about you, but there are countless times I throw up my hands in frustration exclaiming, “God, if you would just write out what I need to do to overcome this, including details (bullet points would be great), and/or use a neon sign (with arrows) it would be so much easier! I’m so tired of the constant battle!”

I wonder how many times God lovingly shakes his head and thinks, “I told you how. All the way back in the beginning. I was pretty direct. These things that entangle and frustrate you? They all stem from your sin nature. To grow closer to me, to follow my command and love your neighbor as yourself, you must rule over sin.”

At first, the words seemed intimidating. But then I remembered God doesn’t ask us to do things using our own power; He asks us to lean on Him, and He tells us He’ll equip us with what we need. (2 Peter 1:3, Psalm 18:2, Acts 1:8, Philippians 4:13, Isaiah 40:29-31)

Friends, if we applied the same effort to mastering our sin, as we did to: being the best at sports, learning new hobbies, climbing the corporate ladder, buying the latest and greatest, having the most influence, organizing the house, checking off the to-do list…whatever it is you spend all your time, money, and mental/emotional energy on…

What if, we applied that effort to learning to master our sin instead?

We could change the world, one household at a time.

Abba Father, we desperately want to follow after you, but at times, it’s so very difficult. Help us to turn away from our sinful tendencies. Give us the power to rule over negative thoughts, to break harmful patterns, to set aside earthly pleasures, to rebuke the excuses. Lord, we thank you, for giving us clear instructions and for being able to provide what we need, when we need it. Let this be the year we start mastering our sin and reaching others as a result. Amen.

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