My Favorite Family Devotions for Busy Schedules
Several years ago we started incorporating family devotions into our daily routine. It’s something each one of us looks forward to. Over the years, the depth and length of the devotion has increased, but it’s still a treasured time.
Our goal is to read every night, but sometimes life happens, so we do our best! Included below is what our routine looks like and a list of my favorites, including what we’re currently using. The devotions listed below can all be completed within ten to fifteen minutes, making them perfect for busy schedules!
Remember, even something short and sweet is better than nothing at all! The more children hear and learn about God, the better chance they have of storing Him away in their hearts. I’m constantly amazed at how much my kids remember, even months later.
Our Family Devotions Routine
Daily devotions work best for us at night. I find it a great way to bring the family together at the end of the day and “settle down” for the night. Since we’re usually all tired (mom too!), I try to keep things around 10-15 minutes long.
In the past I’ve done the reading; however, a couple months ago the two older children started asking to read the Bible portion. What an amazing addition to our time together! Bible passages are now divided in half, so they each have a turn.
We typically read the devotion, answer any questions, and pray as a family. Then we all take turns talking about something we’re thankful for and/or that brought us a smile. Sometimes the kids will offer an additional prayer after that!
And if everyone is still hanging in there (meaning if baby R isn’t melting down yet!) – I read one chapter from a story book.
Favorite Family Devotions
In no particular order, here’s our list of favorites with a few details and reasons why. All of these can be done within 10-15 minutes. Click on the links to purchase and start using with your own family!
The Ultimate Family Devotion
There is one “devotional” that will never match any other, and that’s the Bible itself. Have your child pick a name/story from the Bible they’re interested in, go more in depth on Sunday’s church service, or just pick a book to read through.
On several occasions, my children have asked to listen to the Bible on audio. I love doing this, in part because it frees up my hands, but also because I usually pick up something to ponder too. There are many Bible apps available with this feature; I personally use the You Version app.
What family devotions are your favorites? What does your family routine look like? Share with us in the comments below!
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