
Natural Remedies for PMS Symptoms

Most women dread a certain week each month due to PMS Symptoms (Premenstrual Syndrome). We’d much rather skip the days of cramping, bloating, and headaches. There are a million other things to do instead! Since it’s something we usually can’t avoid, it makes sense to learn how to manage these pesky symptoms. 

I used to be the girl missing school or work, curled into a ball, living off over the counter pain meds, changing pads too often every time I cycled. So, I’ll never forget the relief I felt after cleaning up my diet and incorporating whole-food supplements. It was life changing! 

There are several natural supplements available to help support our bodies nutritionally. Many times, the discomforts we feel are caused by imbalances, and once those are brought back into balance, symptoms dissipate. 

The following supplements are things I’ve personally used, or know to be effective based on testimonies from close friends, while battling PMS symptoms. They are made using whole foods, herbs, bovine/porcine organs, and essential oils. No artificial flavors/dyes, synthetics, fillers, binders, added sugars, or any other processed ingredients.  As always, please consider checking with your doctor or reaching out to a nutritionist (holistic practitioner) first with any concerns.

*This blog post contains various health information. Nothing is intended to be, nor should it be construed as, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any supplement(s) and/or treatment(s) discussed and/or listed should be reviewed by your health professional before using. If you have a medical concern, please consult with an appropriately-licensed physician. If you think you have a medical emergency, contact your doctor immediately. Full medical disclosure here.

Clean Diet

This is the one thing that shocked me the most when it came to improving my monthly cycles. Cutting out ALL processed foods, grains, gluten, soy, and dairy was something I did out of necessity while navigating health issues with my oldest daughter. I was extremely surprised at how many physical and mental ailments improved, or disappeared altogether, the longer I kept a clean diet. 

In regards to PMS, my cycle became regular, bloating significantly decreased, I could get by without pain meds for cramping, my moods didn’t seem as erratic, and the hormonal breakouts on the lower half of my face stopped. 

This alone, coupled with how radically my daughter’s health improved, was enough to convince me that keeping a clean diet is extremely important. When I was no longer breastfeeding and started incorporating other foods back into my diet, symptoms started creeping back in. 

What we put into our bodies is truly the backbone of our overall health and its importance should not be overlooked.

Standard Process

This has been our go to brand of supplements for just about everything over the last ten years. Each one is carefully formulated to support various parts of the body nutritionally using concentrated doses of whole foods (many of which are grown on their own farms) and bovine/porcine organs. They are more expensive, but I have never experienced such quick results with anything else. 

Modern day diets are void of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain a strong, healthy body. Standard Process supplements help replenish and strengthen the body so each organ and system can return to functioning on its own. 

Since the supplements are literally just food, I’ve never worried about or accidentally taken too many. With acute symptoms (or when healing from injury/surgery) I’ll take as many as needed until symptoms start to alleviate. For ongoing maintenance, one or two a day is usually fine. In many cases, once the body is balanced and being nutritionally fed through clean eating, supplements may no longer be needed, or only needed on occasion when the body is stressed.  

Symplex F – General women’s health, endocrine system, and balance. (I took it every day for a couple years. Now just as needed when my body feels tired/off.)

Utrophin PMG – Targets uterine health. (I used it during cycle days before my partial hysterectomy.)

Ovex / Ovex P – Targets ovarian health and androgen producing functions. Used to help reduce heavy bleeding, establish a regular cycle. (I use it leading up to and during cycle days.)

Calcium Lactate – Great for fevers, cramping, canker sores and maintaining bone density. This is a staple in our home and was a life saver when it came to dealing with menstrual cramps. (I used this the first few days of my cycle to greatly reduce uterine cramping.)

Organically Bound Minerals – Thyroid and parasympathetic nervous system support. (I use this as needed when my body feels run down or if my immune system is challenged.)

Trace Minerals B-12 – Supports a variety of important functions in the body, especially within the endocrine and musculoskeletal systems. (I use this as needed when my body feels run down or if my immune system is challenged.)

Earthley Wellness

I have not used all of these personally, but I have been impressed with the products we’ve tried so far. These tinctures are a great, less expensive natural option. The liquid form makes it easy to drip sublingually (under your tongue) for optimal absorption.

Earthley focuses on using herbs, flowers, and mushrooms in a natural way. Their website has a lot of great information on each tincture, including usage recommendations.

Lunamore – Metabolic support, hormone balance, reduce cramps, support blood sugar balance.

Ease the Ache – Helps reduce pain, bloating, and backaches.

Natural Balance – Hormone and energy support. (I use it to boost my energy levels occasionally.)

Nourish Her Naturally – Helps balance hormones, support healthy energy, and overall wellness.

Young Living

These supplements are a great blend of foods, herbs, flowers, and essential oils. Like Standard Process and Earthley, Young Living conducts third party testing to verify quality of ingredients. They also do a lot of research when formulating. 

The CortiStop and EndoGize supplements are designed to be taken for a shorter period of time followed by a rest period. I’ve used all three linked products with noticeable results. Mineral Essence is something I use on a more regular basis for overall health maintenance. 

CortiStop – Helps balance cortisol levels and the glandular system. 

EndoGize – Supports and balances the endocrine system.

Mineral Essence – Ionic magnesium mineral blend easily absorbed by the body.

Essential Oils – There is a long list of oils that can help when applied topically or diffused (each oil will have varied dilution rates). Try rose, clary sage, Idaho blue spruce, sage, fennel, ylang ylang, bergamot, SclarEssence, Dragon Time, and/or EndoFlex.

Oregano Oil

Not directly related to PMS, but organic oregano essential oil brought a three to four year stint of feminine itching to an end in just three days. Yes, literally three days. The uncomfortableness, embarrassment, and unrelenting itching was horrible. There were times I had to cancel plans because of it. 

In a way it was baffling because we eat a very clean diet with minimal sugar. Natural remedies for things like candida, yeast, and other bacterial overgrowth only helped for a short while. I even tried the conventional route with a few rounds of antibiotics and other prescriptions, but those only made symptoms worse.

I stumbled across oregano oil while researching something completely different. It’s known to be “anti” pretty much everything, so I thought why not give it a try. I diluted the oregano essential oil in fractioned coconut oil, poured it into a roller, and applied it to the women’s reproductive organs Vita Flex areas on the insides of my feet.

I am still praising God for the amazing power of this oil and His bringing it to my attention. Within a day the itching reduced considerably and within three days it was completely gone. Raw, sensitive skin was finally able to heal. I could move around freely without worrying about triggering an itching episode. No more anxiety trying to figure out what was wrong. God’s creation gave me my life back!

Photo Courtesy of Essential Oils Desk Reference, Seventh Edition

Topical Use: Dilute 1 drop oregano essential oil with 4 drops carrier oil. Test in a small area first. Do not put in direct contact with eyes, nasal membranes, or mouth due to high phenol properties. 

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