
She Will Not Fall

God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Psalm 46:5 NIV

There are so many “hers” I’ve thought of since reading this verse.

Mother, wife, daughter, sister, grandma, aunt, cousin, friend, coworker…

There are so many circumstances wanting and waiting for us to stumble.

Battles like grieving the loss of a parent/spouse, fighting cancer, running after wayward sons and daughters, struggling with motherhood, wading into new and unknown, doubting faith, clinging to a tumultuous marriage, overcoming fear and anxiety, disciplining against addiction, raising other’s children, working to provide…

I’ve stared at this snapshot of R, and pictured Q in my mind, as I pray the words of Psalm 46:5 over them. My heart physically aches for the current and future battles I know they’ll face in this thing we do called life.

But my heart also soars knowing God feels the same way and promises to be with them.

With every breath, I’ve renewed fervor to not waste time showing them God’s wonders, to teach them how to battle with and not against God, to make His presence in our home known and cherished, to be the mother pointing them to the One who will not let us fall.

Friend, with every fiber of my being, I pray you will feel and believe these words and let them carry you afresh into each new day, ready to face every battle head on.

God is not just with you, He is WITHIN you.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for yearning for and fighting for us in a way no one else can. I know you have certain women You are reaching with this powerful verse. Please sustain and lift them up. Abba, who are we to deserve such a gift, yet You offer it freely to all. Help us receive it humbly, giving You praise. Remind us to look around and reach out to those in need, using Your Spirit within us, to carry one another. And fuel us with passion to show future generations how real and amazing You are. In Your Name we pray, Amen.

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