
She’s Lost Her Faith

I will open my mouth with a parable; I will utter hidden things, things from of old- things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us. We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation, the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. Psalm 78:2-4 NIV

“Oh” I cajoled, as Jason came downstairs an hour after going to tuck the girls in. “I thought for sure you fell asleep you were up there so long!” I chuckle.

His face registered tired, but in a different way. Weary, contemplative, concerned.

“No”, He says. “Q was just sharing she feels like she lost her faith. She doesn’t hear God talk to her anymore and He hasn’t been answering her prayers. So we talked.”

Oh, indeed.

How did my sweet, ten-year old child, who has clearly heard God’s voice before in amazing ways, now feel so far from Him? Isn’t this kind of thing supposed to happen when she’s older? More exposed to the world? Off living on her own out from underneath our wings?

Where do we go from here? How do we support her? Why does this feel like we’re standing on a major precipice and I better get things right lest she slip further away?

It’s been a couple weeks. She continues to ask questions, pen thoughts, and try to connect missing pieces.

I don’t have a magic answer, but I do have this:

Being honest and sharing my own faith struggles.

Talking about ways God’s provided for me in my lifetime.

Listening to and acknowledging her questions/thoughts.

Continuing to dig into God’s Word, study context, discuss life application.

Reminding ourselves God is good, loves us, forgives us, died for us.

Discussing who God is and isn’t (a WayMaker, not a genie in a bottle).

This time has been a great reminder to lean into Psalm 78:2-4.

Lord, You know of the supernatural war trying to drag our children away from You. Give us strength to battle with and for them. Remind us to talk about our own faith, Your grace, the ways You’ve delivered us before and will continue to do so. Prod us to speak up and breathe Your life into our kiddos. Thank you, that Your goodness and mercy always prevails. Amen.

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