
“Unplanned” Movie Experience

I saw the movie Unplanned last week. It has had a profound, lasting effect on me. There are a couple scenes that have played on repeat in my head. I cried at the theater. I cried when I came home and spoke to Jason about it. I’ve cried from the weight of emotions as various thoughts have entered my mind since then. To say it was powerful and everyone should see it would be a gross understatement. 

For a while now, I’ve had an inner struggle regarding the topics of abortion, adoption, viability, pro-life, pro-choice, etc. I am one to walk away as quickly and quietly as possible from confrontation or topics of controversy. I avoid publicly posting anything regarding these topics (and others) for a specific reason. I don’t want to get into a debate. I’m not trying to change people’s mind based solely on my opinion. I want to create dialog based on love and a desire to help rather than hate, accusation, condemnation, and vulgarity. Unfortunately, the later is what I see most often. 

Because of that, I have stayed silent. It’s easier to read articles and subsequent comments from the comfort of my own private space. It’s easier to simply nod my head and agree or disagree. It’s easier to have a conversation with a friend who shares the same beliefs as I do. It’s easier to spend time in prayer than get out there and volunteer for a cause. It’s easier to be silent than to stand up and fight for what I feel/know to be right. 

Did you notice a trend there? Maybe the word “easier” popped out at you?  Seeing my thoughts written down made that pretty clear.  It also provided clarity on some circulating thoughts I’ve had lately. 


I am a Christ Follower. As such, God does not call me to live a quiet life never telling others about Him, never standing for what I believe in, and never fighting for what His Word tells us.  He does call me to do those things! But in a loving fashion, showing humility, taking time to listen, using wisdom and guidance from Him.

By choosing not to speak up, by choosing not to share my own story with others, by choosing to live in complacency; I have missed who knows how may opportunities to show God’s love. To show the power of forgiveness. To help people know adoption is another option aside from abortion or keeping a baby. By choosing to be silent, I have essentially let Satan win. 


There is much power in secrets and that is where evil resides. I ran across the Facebook page Unplanned Movie Prayer Team. One of the posts highlighted an 11 year old girl, who had just seen the film, asking real life Abby Johnson “How can you get past what you’ve done?”. Abby’s response was so powerful it will hopefully stick with me until I’m no longer here. She replied “Satan lives in our secrets,” “What we don’t confess, he owns.”

It brought me back to when I started living in sexual sin with my first serious boyfriend. I told no one what was going on, lied to my mother, snuck around, and stopped going to church as often. In addition, I pulled away from friends from fear they might figure things out and question me. I was basically living a secret life. Outwardly portraying everything was fine while inwardly knowing what I was doing was wrong and I was living outside of God’s will. 

Eventually, that secret led to my own unplanned pregnancy, which in turn created even more secrets. Satan had a hold on me. It was difficult to break free. If I can’t tell others what I’m doing, I probably shouldn’t be doing it (let alone thinking about it) at all! 


I am guilty of judging others. I know first hand what it feels like to be a pregnant teen mother. I know the stares, the conversations behind my back, the loss of friendships, the loss of trust, the lingering scarlet red X painted on my back. And yet I still cast judgement on other women who have chosen to abort their pregnancies. 

Could I be any bigger of a hypocrite??? 

The God who forgave me (and still does) is the same God who offers forgiveness to others. I’m not any different. In fact, I’m worse because God despises hypocrites. Who am I to judge someone when I have not walked in their shoes?! When I have not shown them love or mercy?! When I have not bothered to see how I may help?! 

The movie (and further research on my own) opened my eyes to the wide array of women seeking abortions. Some feel they have no choice. Some are physically forced to do it. They can be as young as 12 years and as old as 53 years. Many are repeat patients and have no support system. Many do it in secret. All are lied to about the actual procedure (whether medical or surgical) and possible side effects. All are looked at as a dollar amount verses a person. 

Do I want women in this position to feel they can come and talk to me and/or ask questions about my own unplanned pregnancy?  Or do I want them to feel isolated, castigated, and like they have no other options? Change of heart and healing does not come with the later. 


Abby Johnson’s story is a powerful one. My hope is that instead of focusing on what she did, people will choose to focus on the redemption she received-with the understanding it could only come from God. 

It doesn’t matter who was pregnant out of wedlock, who placed their baby for adoption, who terminated their pregnancy, who raised their baby, etc. God sees everyone as the same. He cares for everyone despite their choices. His love is unconditional! He offers everyone forgiveness. It is up to each individual to accept it or deny it.

Abby chose to accept it. As a result, her story is giving God the glory. She chose the not so easy road; which was to speak about what she saw and participated in despite judgement, to share how the abortion industry really operates despite protests, to reopen her own wounds of having had 2 abortions herself despite not many knowing about them, to form her own nonprofit organization to help other abortion workers leave the industry.

I want women who have had an abortion, rallied as pro-choice, or worked in such a clinic to know there is healing and forgiveness. I want them to know there is a way out. I want them to know about my God who surpasses all understanding and provides in a way no human can. The movie Unplanned helps people see that and is a great testimony. 

Tying them Together

In part of Alex Seeley’s book TailorMade, she speaks about needing to remove the labels given to us by society and/or by ourselves and replacing those with God-given labels. She relates it to judging others and making it hard for people to move on because we cling to their past mistakes and continue to view them with labels no longer relevant due to God’s forgiveness. Alex also states: 

“So often Christians are known for what we hate and stand against instead of what we are for, which is the saving power of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice causes us to be transformed into new creations. His gift to us is a clean slate.”

I feel the christian community has lost a lot of credence in the past several years. And I completely understand! Alex’s statement perfectly encompasses why so many are turned away from the church. Especially in times of crisis! Being a “christian” has become all about a list of do’s and don’ts, clinging tight to those in the church and judging those outside, offering love and help with conditions, and trying to win people for Christ out of fear instead of faith. 

If you watch the movie, you’ll see various groups of protestors lining the fence outside the Planned Parenthood clinic. Some are dressed up and spouting angry words demonizing the women for their visit. And others are standing quietly, praying, just trying to make a connection with the women as they exit their vehicles. Which would you rather talk to? Which way resembles the heart of God? 

I think everyone, especially myself, needs to do a self-check! To make sure God’s truth is being spoken, to make sure God’s calling to say and/or do more is not being ignored, to make sure love and forgiveness is what’s projected. Perhaps then a resurgence of hearts for God will happen. 

My Review of Unplanned

The movie was very well done. The actors, content, dialog, and factual way information was “presented” made it go quickly! I say the information was factual because I didn’t feel like there was any name calling, blame placing, condemnation, etc… It was simply Abby’s story. Obviously, one of the goals of the movie is to move people towards a pro-life attitude, but it wasn’t done in an “in your face – do or die” way.  It was done by sharing what Abby learned through her time working at Planned Parenthood via dialog with cast members. 

There is one graphic scene; however, considering the premise of the movie I feel it was very warranted. As you learn from Abby’s story, what she was doing didn’t hit home until she actually saw a womb with child suddenly become an empty womb. Some people just need to see things for themselves for it to make sense or become real. That scene was difficult to watch, but more so because I imagined that baby as any of my children and because I felt I could see the tears streaming down God’s face as another one of his creations was ended and because I can’t imagine someone saying a baby is just a clump of cells.

I do feel this is a movie that should be shown in sex education classes. It’s very sobering, and while there are moments of humor, the movie is about a serious topic not to be taken lightly. It’s also better to present information when someone is not facing a crisis. Seeing the movie presents a whole different view of “the simple way” to end an unwanted pregnancy and it’s definitely not simple physically or emotionally. 

It’s also tough to learn just how callous a patient’s situation is viewed, especially from a “sell them on an abortion” standpoint. I have always questioned the ethics of clinics like Planned Parenthood and A LOT of light was shed on their business practices. In the end it really is just about money. Greed is the root of all evil. 

I would highly recommend going to see it while you can. Bring some tissues. Bring a friend. It will give you a new way to pray for those who need love, healing, and a change of heart! 

Additional information:

And Then There Were None – Abby’s nonprofit organization to help workers leave the abortion industry and find new work.

Abby’s Interview with Glenn Beck – Takes place after the movie was released – If you’re unsure about watching the movie this is an AWESOME way to learn about information shared in it and her story. 

Claire Culwell’s website – An abortion survivor herself, Claire fights for the rights of the unborn and for mandatory medical care for babies born after a failed abortion.

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