
Water for Thought?

The more I learn about different types of healing the more fascinated I become. Not only because it’s awe-inspiring to think God created all of this Himself, but also because I feel like something new is discovered every day and science/medical research has only scratched the surface! 

To some, the idea that words and/or thoughts can alter physical makeup seems silly. After all, they’re not something we’re ingesting or physically applying to the body – they’re just things that “float around”. No big deal, right?

I’d like to stretch your mind a little bit! Most of us know that everything has a natural frequency. Normally, that frequency is easily applied to things like the light spectrum, music/harmonies, television/radios, sound, etc.  Everything also has some kind of energy associated with it. But what about words??? 

*This blog post contains various health information. Nothing is intended to be, nor should it be construed as, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any supplement(s) and/or treatment(s) discussed and/or listed should be reviewed by your health professional before using. If you have a medical concern, please consult with an appropriately-licensed physician. If you think you have a medical emergency, contact your doctor immediately. Full medical disclosure here.

The Rice Experiment

I attended a seminar a couple years ago on cultivating happiness and practicing gratitude. The speaker, Tracy, brought up this thing called “The Rice Experiment” and it was quite fascinating. 

The experiment was initially run in the mid-1990’s by Dr. Masaru Emoto using water. He alleged that words spoken, and thoughts harbored created different energies and could change the molecular structure of water. Numerous petri dishes of water were gathered. Some of them were fed positive words, some negative words, some prayed over, and some were ignored all together. Water molecules that received positive words were beautiful and crystalline in structure. The other groups of water molecules resembled blobs with no uniform shape. 

It’s hard to grasp this concept at first. Most people don’t have access to the tools required to run such an experiment. So, Dr. Emoto ran the experiment again, but used jars of cooked white rice. The results were the same. Nice white rice for the positive jars, moldy discolored rice for the negative jars, and grossly discolored rice for the ignored jars. 

Tracy used these examples as visual references for the power of words. Her family decided to do the experiment themselves and found similar results. She had several pictures of the jars at various stages. Here is her blog post outlining what she did and the outcome. 

The Affect of Human Words

Now consider the fact the human body is made up of roughly 60-70% water. Think back to Dr. Emoto’s original experiment – done with water! I was reminded of this just recently after visiting a manual therapist. (Yes, I was found guilty of not drinking enough water a day!)

Now think about your present state of health. Obviously, there are numerous other factors involved (like predisposed health matters, diet, stress), but could it possibly be that the words we speak and thoughts we have about ourselves are either hurting or helping us?  And what about the people we surround ourselves with daily?  And how do WE speak to our family, friends, co-workers, everyday people???

I have struggled with confidence my entire life, especially the last few years – the ones where the baby pounds haven’t quite come all the way off – yet! As I think back to conversations I’ve had with my husband, mother, and close friends the phrase “You’re too hard on yourself” is common. Pile my unreal expectations, self-hate words, and emotional eating tendencies together and I’m nowhere near where I thought I’d be since we started our health journey.

The Affect of God’s Words

The last few months have been anything but pleasant. Thankfully, I “finally” realized I needed to lean on my faith in God a little (ok – a lot!) more. I reminded myself that I am His special creation. I am made in His image. He knows how many hairs are on my head. He knows the individual count of each tear I’ve cried. He’s knows every thought I’ve ever had – whether or not it left my mouth. 

Recently, when starting to feel depressed I utter Bible phrases that come to me; like “Wonderfully & Beautifully Made” and “Made in His Image”. My countenance has slowly been changing. My thoughts have turned more positive. My time spent in His Word has increased. 

All of this made me think of the fact that God created everything in our universe. He was not afraid to make it complex. He created energy and frequency. He was not afraid to give everyone individual talents that would make learning about His creation exciting. He is not surprised that water is made from molecules. He is fully aware that humans have free will – which means sometimes positive things happen – and sometimes negative things do. 

I am not a scientist. I can’t speak to the results of anyone’s water and/or rice experiments. However, I do feel the correlation people have found between positive words and positive molecules (health) is not unfounded. 

Perhaps we should all hang a picture of a beautifully formed water crystal as a reminder to be careful of what we say and think. Who knows – maybe it will cause more love to spread around – and we can all use more of that!

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