
When Waiting Is Hard

When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Ecclesiastes 7:14 NIV

One of the most commonly asked questions in regards to religion is, “Why does God allow bad things to happen?”

I’ve wrestled with those very words myself.

This past year has stretched me in ways I didn’t think possible and highlighted several weak areas.

It’s made me question if God is really listening or if He forgot I’m still down here asking…waiting…growing restless.

The unnerving silence and continued heartbreak left me wondering if I could still trust God.

And *that* rattled me to the core.

So when I was recently pointed to the first part of Ecclesiastes 7:14; I sat motionless, contemplating the psalmist’s words.

I read a little further in the book and was asked to recall ways I’ve seen God provide in the past. A few things came to mind.

After reflecting on my list for a few days and chatting with Jason, I realized a key commonality.

My scribbled notes revolved around prayers for situations that took months, but mostly years, to come to fruition and healing.

No glamorous journeys, easy roads, or instant answers. Instead tears, set backs, trauma, counseling, betrayal, doubt, and frustration.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m waiting on something from God for extended periods of time, it can start to feel like He isn’t working.

I’m so thankful for the prompt to write down God’s provisions in the past. Something about seeing them in sloppy, blue ink on a lined paper helped trigger hope that I can trust God. Even when I don’t see, hear, or feel it.

Abba Father, today I’m praying for my friends wading through their own moments of doubt and despair. God you know exactly what ails them. Help them to remember You love and have not forgotten them. Please show them a visible sign to spark hope. May we wait with expectation, praising You, even when times are bad. Amen.

Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. Psalm 126: 5-6 NIV

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