
Will the Real Enemy Please Stand Up?

This week I had to remind myself there are two pulls in this world. As I stood at the kitchen sink looking out the window, I wondered how I could feel extreme highs and lows in such a short time span.

Things I was feeling pumped and excited about: the work I’ve accomplished mentally and emotionally with forgiveness and trauma, how close my relationship with God is getting, feeling ready to tackle a project I’ve put off due to vulnerability, recent girl’s family weekend.

In addition, I’m “attending” a She Speaks conference catered towards writers and speakers; something I’ve wanted to do for a few years, but not able to due to financial costs of traveling (online for the first time this year, yay!). I thought things were in a good place and had been feeling peace and comfort the last couple weeks. Cloud nine.

Being Tested

Enter in the last few days and it felt like everything (and sometimes everybody) was testing every part of me. Drama with children, hiccups with vehicles, health concerns in the family, hitches with side business(es), poor sleep, etc.… Why the sudden flip? Shouldn’t I be stronger than this? Why is it so hard to maintain calm and watch my tongue? Where is the positive energy? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?

My happy bubble was burst and the only emotions I could seem to feel were the negative ones. It stunk!

And then it hit me. The Devil is scared. He is trying to get to me. He does not like the direction I’m headed. He’d rather I fold, keep my thoughts to myself, and share darkness.

What proceeded next was an inner dialogue of thoughts spewing around my head: As much as God wants me to know He’s good – and He is – the Devil also wants me to know and succumb to him. Why is it so hard to follow God’s will sometimes? Why did I think and/or expect an easy road with clear answers just because I feel like I’m on the right path?

Perhaps you have felt the same at times??? If so, may I share some more “inner dialogue” that might help us? Here goes!


Do not fall prey to the Devil’s misguidance.

As hard as others are praying for us and giving us encouragement, as close as we feel to God and that we’re surrendering to His plan for our life; that much harder will the Devil be trying to pull us in the opposite direction; that much harder will he be trying to make us forget about grace, love, goodness, forgiveness.

God never promised an easy life. (John 16:33, James 1:2-8)

But God did promise to help us in our time of need. (I Cor. 10:13, Josh. 1:9)

Two are stronger than one. God is always with us. Therefore, we always have at least one partner, which automatically makes us stronger. The Devil makes no such deal.

Remember, temptations/darkness/trials/sadness can often be more proliferate when the Devil sees us doing God’s work.

Be strong!

Do not give up!

Remember who the real enemy is!

Put the Devil in his place!

Keep on keepin’ on!

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